Worth It Spokesperson Program

Welcome to the Worth It Family! The goal of the Spokesperson Program is to make known the mission of Worth It, gain public support, and ultimately empower students with our self-worth focused messages through social media, interviews, speaking engagements, podcasts, and shows
It is important to note that Worth It is neither a political nor religious organization. We recommend viewing our website and blog posts to gain a better sense of our mission. This is exclusively a volunteer program.
Topics of Focus
Self-worth and identity
The dangerous effects of pornography
Technology use and overuse
Mental health in students
Healthy relationships
Healthy friendships
Drugs and alcohol
How our decisions impact our futures
Ambassadors may discontinue their position at any time. We ask that ambassadors inform us via email or Instagram messages if ending their role as an ambassador.
All content must be sent to Worth It before posting. Worth It reserves the right to decline certain content ideas. When creating and posting Worth It related content, we ask that ambassadors refrain from the the following:
Derogatory or hateful language
Immodest dress
Inappropriate behavior
Negative or false claims about Worth It
Ambassador Roles
We ask that ambassadors do the following
Follow all of our social media pages (if you have the platforms).
Instagram: @worthitnetwork
Facebook: @youreworthit.info
Twitter: @worthit_info
TikTok (coming soon)
Subscribe to our newsletter at www.worthitnetwork.org.
Repost/retweet at least 4 Worth It posts/tweets per month. This can be to your story or feed.
Create Worth It content (tweets, graphics, reels, TikToks, etc.) when able. Send content via Instagram DM or to youreworthit.info@gmail.com.
Program Benefits:
Gain experience in public speaking, scheduling meetings, event planning, and more
Receive private training, accountability, and mentorship by staff.
Obtain publicity through our social media and Worth It website